Selected Publications

Dynamic-BM (Dynamic BodyMap) is a database for multiple species from time-series RNA-seq datasets. It specifically curates time-series RNA-seq data and provides dynamic gene expression profiles in more than 25 tissues of 5 species. Time-series RNA-seq data are well-organized in Dynamic-BM. The website provides users with convenient interfaces to explore the RNA-seq data and browse the dynamic gene expression patterns. Dynamic-BM also includes a knowledgebase of development-associated lncRNAs.
Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2017

Recent Publications

NONCODEV5: a comprehensive annotation database for long non-coding RNAs

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Dynamic-BM: multispecies Dynamic BodyMap database from temporal RNA-seq data

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SmProt: a database of small proteins encoded by annotated coding and non-coding RNA loci

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